July 1996 CB Unlimited Product List This is a list of products available or under development. All of the released products are available on CompuServe. Any brilliant ideas can be sent to 100436.172@compuserve.com, they will be considered and could be included. All of the programs are\will be written in Visual Basic 4 32Bit. This means that they are Windows 95(NT?) only. Sorry to Win3.1x users. SW:ShareWare, FW:FreeWare, SC:Source Code, XX:Misc ***************** RELEASED PRODUCTS ***************** CNet Launcher: SW A tool bar for common Internet tools. Designed for CompuServe users. FontDisp: SW Gathers and displays all fonts on the users system. Command & Conquer Template: XX & FW A text template for inclusion with C&C new missions, based on the Doom idea. HCW & Transparent bitmaps: XX & FW A Help file showing the bug/feature in HCW when using the transparent bitmap command. WinHelp 95 version only. AboutBox: SC A universal about box for VB4 programmers, uses the app object to display its values. RegModule: SC A simple module that allows setting and retrieval of registration settings for shareware authors. (Soon to include 30 day/use settings) PKUNZIP Example: SC Source for using a Pkunzip in a VB4 program, uses a command line approach. MIDTray: SW A MID file player that runs from the taskbar in Win95. Allows playlists, custom colours, digital display, spinning button?? ******************* DEVELOPING PRODUCTS ******************* The last line of each description is what needs to be done. If you can help please can you write to me. CCMaster: Alpha version SW A savegame organiser for Command & Conquer. It stops the problem of overwriting savegames. Almost ready, I am trying to add support for zip files. TimeCalc: Late Beta SW A computerised Time Sheet. Very open ended and can be used for a variety of problems/offices. Produces custom reports, copes with dates after 1999, and is very easy to use. Needs testing, and desperately needs a better print routine. ************************************************************************************************************************** 1996 Chris Beach